Steph PoundIn 2022 after too many years on the corporate treadmill, Steph decided to cut her 'corporate hours' and free up valuable time to concentrate on what she is passionate about. Her passions include connecting with nature through herbalism, raising awareess of the major transformation that is the Menopause, writing and art. Art is her true passion that goes back to her childhood. She was always happiest when she was drawing or painting, but sadly that passion got neglected once she stepped on that 'treadmill' (except for the endless doodles scrawled over my notebooks - it was always trying to get out!). As 2024 dawned, Steph decided that it was about time she focused on her true passion and unleashed her creative talents. She loves drawing, illustrating (I have a very vivid imagination), working with watercolours and crafting. Who knows where her art will take her, but when we unleash our passions we inspire, bring hope and just maybe help to make this place we call home a better place. Read More Read Less
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