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Stefano Bencista Falorni

Stefano Bencista FalorniLorenzo and Stefano Bencista' Falorni were born in the mid-1940s. They spent time at the butcher's shop from a very early age, and accompanied their father to local farms even before taking their first steps! The Chianti region started attracting lare numbers of tourists: German and British visitors were smitten with its natural landscape, gourmet food, and slow, relaxed pace of life. The mouthwatering flavours, quality, and authenticity of their cold cuts, and a talent for communicating their products and their world of values, created interest in the Antica Macelleria Falorni: in 1971 a two-page spread was published in Capital. Lorenzo and Stefano struck up their remarkable friendship and partnership with Carlo Petrini, the founder of Arcigola--which later became Slow Food in the 1980s--with Stefano becoming a board member of the association. The Falorni brothers are firm believers in what would become a full-blown trend in the decades to come: an attention to regional characteristics and the rediscovery of gastronomical traditions. Antica Macelleria Falorni's production, sales, and reputation grow year on year. The historic butcher shop's sign became an official brand, known and loved the world over. New recipes were created, such as the first prepared meats made with Wild Boar, while traditional recipes are carefully protected and improved. Antica Macelleria Falorni offers the full range of Tuscan salumi, while continuing to process high-quality fresh meat. Read More Read Less

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Never Well-Done: Tales and Recipes from Farm to Table20 % NR
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