Stan Farrell

Stan FarrellStan Farrell was born in Birmingham England during WW11 when Germany was trying to bomb England into submission. His father was in the airforce and his mother worked in an ammunition factory.As a tiny baby with the constant threat of poisonous gassesbeing used, Stan would be put into a 'baby helmet' which was a small fully enclosed gas mask.His mother wearing an adult version would then take him into their shelter as the bombs exploded nearby. At fifteen he joined the Merchant Navy before emigrating to South Africa in 1958. A series of jobs followed including working on a gold mine.He married and had three children two boys and a girl.Seeing the threat to wildlife and the possible extinction of some species he decided to breed crocodiles so he moved his family to a 400 acre pineaple farm near the coast.People wanted to see these creatures so having included snakes and other reptiles a tourist attraction was created.In the early 1900'sviolence in S.A.especialy towards the farmers became a regular thing so the family moved to Canada;Whilst visiting his son in Calgary Stan met Bob (Jack in the story) who told him about a man who claimed to have been the last Sonderkommando. and he had his tapes and notes. Having suggested that Stan examine these and if convinced perhaps he should write a novel. Read More Read Less

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