Stacy Reppel

Stacy ReppelMy name is Stacy Reppel. I am from the rural portion of Lumberton, Mississippi. I obtained my Bachelor's Degree in English at The University of Southern Mississippi. I was held back in first grade for reading too slowly, and it encouraged me to get alibrary card. I read every summer after that. My new found love for reading improved my pace and comprehension, ultimately improving my grades. I was a wallflower in high school, so a majority of the faculty overlooked me. Thank you to all of the English teachers and professors who helped me find my passion and to those who pushed me to do better.I took on this project because I enjoy the world that Hutchinson's first story pulled me into. I relate to the depressed and anxious moments she expresses in her stories. It has been a great learning experience. My goal was to take a more relaxed editing approach to fit the writer's expectations. It would take a specific editing style to mesh well with Hutchinson's natural speech flow. Our greatest feat was working together while being over a thousand miles apart. I allowed things a college wouldn't, but this isn't a scholarly journal, is it? No. Prepare to be pulled from the world she creates to reality and back again. This is from the mind of a single mom with a plethora of twisted life stories to tell while trying to cope with depression, anxiety, and real life situations.You can email me at: Read More Read Less

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Tales of a Darkened MindNR
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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11 Oct 2021
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