Stacie Nc Grant

Stacie Nc GrantAbout the Author: Dr. Stacie N.C. Grant is living her divine calling to LEAD, TEACH and INSPIRE! Described as God's Designer Original, she ignites her audiences with her captivating smile, intoxicating humor and boundless energy. For the past 20 year, Dr. Stacie has been a highly sought after inspirational speaker, human relations expert, trainer, life coach and mistress-of-ceremonies. The strategic focus of Dr. Grant's empowerment platform is executed through her Destiny Designers University(R), A CLASSROOM WITHOUT BORDERS; WHERE WE GRADUATE TO THE NEXT BEST VERSION OF OURSELVES BY TURNING INSPIRATION INTO RESULTS! This multi-media platform provides training in the areas Life Skills, Personal Growth, Leadership and Presentation Skills; with a focus on a work readiness and an entrepreneur success curriculum. As a result of the training received, this community of Destiny Designers(R) create behavioral shifts in their productivity! Results are measured through their ability to identify and purge the distractions in their lives so they can use what God has already given them to take immediate ACTION on their goals and dreams. Additionally, her Destiny Designers Teen Empowerment Series(R) provides soft skills and life skills training for High School Scholars that will cultivate, independent critical thinking, positive self-esteem, clear and concise communication skills and a sense of community. Dr. Stacie currently resides in Queens, New York with her husband, Andrew, and 2 sons, Josiah and Jeremy. With God as her guide, our global community will be better for her service to humanity. Read More Read Less

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