Stacey Herring

Stacey HerringA mother of two teen girls and a trauma survivor herself, Stacey Herring, who has worked in family ministry for over ten years, investing in children and youth, knows firsthand the many dangers facing our youth. She has experienced the personal depth of a mother's love, and the will needed to overcome life's many perils. She brings these themes to life in this novel as she exposes the evil and dark world of human trafficking overtaking us. Stacey's desire is to wake us all up to this tragedy that is insidiously manifesting itself into our suburban society. Her warning and plea is that "This is happening in our country, these are our neighborhoods, our communities, and we must stand together to fight against this wickedness." Read More Read Less

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Fields of Gomorrah1 % NR
Publisher: Castle Quay Books
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24 Nov 2023
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