St Antholin

St Antholin

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Parish Registers of St. Anthonlin, Budge Row, London, Containiing the Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials From 1538 to 17542 % NR
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Parish Registers of St. Anthonlin, Budge Row, London, Containiing the Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials from 1538 to 1754; And of St. John Baptist on Wallbrook, London, Containing the Baptisms and Burials from 1682 to 1754
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Parish Registers Of St. Antholin, Budge Row, ... And Of St. John The Baptist On Wallbrook, Partly Ed. By J.l. Chester And Completed Under The Direction Of G.j. Armytage
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The Parish Registers of St. Anthonlin, Budge Row, London, Containiing the Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials from 1538 to 1754
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The Parish Registers of St. Anthonlin, Budge Row, London, Containiing the Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials from 1538 to 1754; And of St. John Baptist on Wallbrook, London, Containing the Baptisms and Burials from 1682 to 175422 % NR
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The Parish Registers of St. Anthonlin, Budge Row, London, Containiing the Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials from 1538 to 1754: And of St. John Baptist on Wallbrook, London, Containing the Baptisms and Burials from 1682 to 17544 % NR
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