Soumyadipta Basu

Soumyadipta BasuDr. Soumyadipta Basu is currently employed with Intel Corporation where he is working on solving thermal challenges for Intel's next generation of microprocessors. He has a joint appointment as an adjunct researcher in the School of Engineering of Mater, Transport and Energy in Arizona State University where he is actively involved in theoretical and experimental research in near-field thermal radiation. Dr. Basu received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in December, 2009 under the supervision of Prof. Zhuomin Zhang a distinguished researcher in the field of heat and mass transfer. His dissertation was awarded the "Best PhD Thesis Award" from the Georgia Tech chapter of Sigma Xi in 2009. During his PhD study he has received the "HP Best Student Paper Award" at IMECE, 2007, "Innovation Award" in the 2009 ASME Society-Wide Micro/Nano Technology Forum at IMECE 2009, and the 2010 Hartnett-Irvine Best Paper Award from the International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer all for his research on near-field thermal radiation. Dr. Basu has published around 30 peer reviewed journal publications in high impact factor journals on different research topics in the field of near-field thermal radiation and has also authored/coauthored several conference publications. His research is very well cited among the radiation community with an i10-index of 24 and h-index of 17 according to "Google Scholars". Read More Read Less

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