Sophia G Antimisiaris

Sophia G AntimisiarisDr. Antimisiaris' lab has extensive experience (more than 25 years) in design and production of liposomal and lipid/polymer/cyclodextrin hybrid nanoparticulates for drug and/or imaging agent delivery and targeting to specific target cells. Several adinistration routes have been investigated or are under investigation in regards to the specific requirements of NPs for each specific route (such as: iv, ip, oral, lung, ocular (intravitreal), vaginal, oral).

Her laboratory also has long term collaborations with industries and is involved in setting up large-scale manufacturing techniques.

She has experience as WP-leaders (partners) in several large scale European Collaborative Projects, as Shiva (FP6 -for preparation of vaginal microbicides), and lately NAD (Nanoparticles for diagnosis and Therapy of AD) (WP-leader for Design and preparation of NPs with affinity for Abeta peptides).

Her team have also been working for many years on the application of arsonolipid-containing liposomes for therapy of cancer with promising results in vitro as well as in vivo results. They also investigate the development of novel platforms for sustained release of drugs following ocular (intravitreous), vaginal or subcutaneous administration. Read More Read Less

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