Soon Ae Chun

Soon Ae ChunDr. Soon Ae Chun is a professor and the director of Information Systems and Informatics program, and a Graduate Center doctoral faculty member of Computer Science at the City University of New York. She is the director of the Information Security Resarch and Education Lab (iSecure Lab) sponsored by NSF. She is a Fulbright Scholar and the recipient of the CSI Dolphin Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement. She is served as the President of the Digital Government Society. Professor Chun's research interests include security and privacy, semantic web, data integration, social data analytics, and workflow. Dr. Chun's current research projects include the development of a cybersecurity ontology, a Linked Data development of multi-modal cybersecurity educational data, and research on social data analyticsintheHealthcaredomain.HerresearchhasbeensponsoredbyNSF, NOAA, a New Jersey State Agency, CUNY, and Fulbright. Professor Chun has published in security and database journals, such as Journal of Computer Security, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, Journal of Information Sciences, as well as applied informatics journals such as Government Information Quarterly and Information Polity. Dr. Chun has served as conference chairs at the International Conference on Digital Government Research and the IFIP conference of Database and Applications Security and Privacy, a track chair of the Semantic Web Applications at ACM Symposium of Applied Computing, and a program chair of the International Conference on Digital Government Research. Professor Chun is an IEEE senior member and a member of the ACM, the Digital Government Society, and the Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society. Read More Read Less

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