Skip Skip Vaccarello

Skip Skip VaccarelloSkip has over 40 years of experience in leadership positions for Silicon Valley technology companies, including VisiCorp, the provider of VisiCalc, the industry's first spreadsheet. In addition, he served as President and CEO of Applied Weather Technlogy, a global company providing software and services to the maritime industry. His other experience includes CEO of Communications Solutions, Inc, division general manager of 3Com; CEO of The Saratoga Group; and worked as an executive coach for business owners and as an investment banker. Skip is a partner with 1Flourish Capital. From 2005 through 2021, Skip led, as a volunteer, Connect Silicon Valley, a non-profit organization that offers speaking events featuring high-profile leaders to encourage conversations about faith and life. In addition, he has served on corporate and non-profit boards and speaks to various groups on leadership and organizational health. He also taught an MBA course on leadership and ethics for three years.He earned an A.B. with honors in economics from Harvard College and an MBA with honors from the Boston University School of Management. Read More Read Less

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Finding God in Silicon Valley Interactive Study Guide and Workbook
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02 Sep 2015
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