Sig Berg

Sig BergSigval (Sig) Berg is chairman and founder of the Severn Leadership Group (SLG), Annapolis, Maryland, which for over a decade has influenced the character of leadership across a variety of industries, government, and the armed forces, just as Berg hasdone his whole career.
He has been a nuclear submarine commander in the U.S. Navy and held executive and educational positions in the nuclear industry. Berg has a master of divinity degree from Trinity Lutheran Seminary and has served as a church pastor. He has also taken part in the Advanced Management Program from Harvard Business School.
Berg's passion, as shown through SLG and The Virtue Proposition, is to create a space for catalyzing transcendent, virtuous cultures that accelerate team performance and multiply their impact.
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Virtue Proposition: Five Virtues That Will Transform Leadership, Team Performance, and You22 % NR
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