Sidney Yee

Sidney YeeSidney Yee has served Christ since 1977. He has always been consumed with winning souls for Christ. Sid taught thoroughly in the area of testing the Spirits and learning how to discern among human, satanic, Godly, or angelic spirits. He has taught exensively on the tactics of the enemy to show others how to detect frauds, fakes and fools. Sid knows that Satan cannot confess the Blood, for He hates the blood, and this was his eternal defeat since the cross. Sid confesses that Jesus is the Son of the living God and that He was the Father made in the flesh. The same God that Sid served is still in him and He has on a number of occasions heard God confess that Jesus is the everlasting Father incarnated. Sid knows the difference between his human spirit speaking and God inside him speaking. Sid has delivered people, participating in exorcisms. Everything Sid writes is what has occurred to him, and there are many witness to attest its authenticity. Read More Read Less

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