Shoshannah Brombacher

Shoshannah BrombacherShoshannah Brombacher (1959) is an author, artist, schol-ar, and maggidah (story teller) from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She holds a Ph.D. from Leyden University (Holland) in medieval Hebrew poetry, researched the sev-enteenth century Sephardic Commnity of Amsterdam, and has contributed to research projects about Jewish manuscripts, books, and tombstone inscriptions. She taught, researched and studied in Leyden, Amsterdam, Jerusalem and the Free University of Berlin, and currently lives in Brooklyn with her family. She dedicates her time to art, writing, lecturing, and telling Chassidic stories, and states: For me, family and art are inseparable parts of my Jewish life. My academic background brings deeper meaning to my art, understanding of life and devotion to HaShem. The teachings of the Chassidic Masters fascinated her since she discovered them in her father's study long ago. Her paintings are a tribute to the Chassidic way of life and service to HaShem, which spread light in a dark world and en-rich our hearts and minds. Some of the stories in this book have been published (in a slightly different version) on the website of Chabad:, and some of the drawings were used as cover art or illustrations by different authors. Brombacher has participated in many international art exhibitions and won several awards for her work. Read More Read Less

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Cat in the Cap and the Better World10 % NR
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Shall We Dance?24 % NR
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