Shiva Shahlapour

Shiva ShahlapourShiva Shahlapour currently resides NW of Phoenix, Arizona after living most of her life in Los Angeles. She can often be found listening to music, daydreaming or being outdoors. She is drawn to the tranquility of the desert landscape, collecting coolrocks during her strolls along the local trails. She also enjoys immersing herself in various films and books. She admires stories that have elements of science fiction but also a heartfelt aspect within them. She is a Libra Sun, Taurus Moon and Libra Rising. She likes to write about sentimental love amidst dreamy and exciting environments. She has a Bachelor's of Science Degree in the field of Family Environmental Sciences in the aspect of Interior Design and has worked in the residential interior design industry for more than a decade. Over the years, she has been drawn to various forms of art such as drawing, painting and paper crafts. She has had a lifelong admiration of architecture and design in which her understanding of these fields allow her to describe environments that immerse you within them where you feel as if you're there. Her other interests include history, alchemical philosophy and mysterious phenomena. One can sense some of these aspects in her writing. When she's not writing, she's spending time with her family which also includes her really cool "Tuxedo Cat", Oreo. Read More Read Less

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