Shinichi Morooka

Shinichi MorookaMorooka, Shinichi is an emeritus professor of Waseda University. He graduated from the Doctor course of Mechanical Engineering at Waseda University in 1977. He received Dr. Eng. degree from Waseda University in 1980. His research field is Thermal-hydaulics of Nuclear Power Plant. He worked at Toshiba Corporation in the thermal-hydraulics R&D Center of nuclear power plants for about 30 years. He has a great deal of experience in developing components for actual nuclear power plants. He came back to Waseda University as a professor in 2010. He is an emeritus professor of Waseda University. Now, he optimizes the heat transfer performance for Light Water Reactor components using Computed Fluid Dynamics code and experimental technologies. Target Components are Nuclear Fuel, Separator system, Steam Generator, so on. He constructs flow mechanism, develops an original simulation code based on flow mechanisms and predicts the heat transfer performance of fuel assembly. Read More Read Less

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