Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce

Shelly Ann Fraser PryceShelly Ann Fraser Pryce is, as of 2021, an eight-time Olympic medal winner and the most-decorated 100m runner in Olympic history. She holds several prestigious national and world athletic titles including the 2013 IAAF World Female Athlete of he Year. In recognizing her contribution to sport and the country as a whole, the government of Jamaica awarded Fraser Pryce the Order of Distinction, and, in 2018, unveiled a statue of her at the National Stadium. A UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Fraser Pryce is also the founder of the Pocket Rocket Foundation which assists promising high school athletes, the owner of a café, Shelly's Café, and a hair salon named Lady Shelly Beauty. Fraser Pryce is married to Jason Pryce and they have a son Zyon who was born in August 2017. Read More Read Less

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