Shelby Jo Long

Shelby Jo LongShelby Jo Long believes in the power of self. A strong principled belief in your skills, an open mind in search of new perspectives and a supportive community can help entrepreneurs achieve the vision for their business and their life. A business brad developed around your genius is the path to create fulfilling relationships and lifestyle.With fifteen years as a professor of Communication Studies and collegiate debate coach, Shelby is passionate about teaching, critical thinking and communication. In addition to multiple administrative positions in academia, she has helped countless students rehearse their communication skills to prepare for their future career in the classroom and in the world of collegiate debate.Shelby's business utilizes her communication expertise to help genius entrepreneurs clarify their brand message and story so they can better connect with clients, she also helps clients create high ticket programs out of their content to reach larger audiences and deepen relationships with clients. She helps clients create a speaking, coaching or consulting business out of their own expertise.Shelby's business is connected in two other business partnerships. She is Senior Vice President of the Strategic Advisor Board, which helps small businesses grow and scale their business. She is also CEO of an independent publishing company Rogue Publishing, where authors can have access to services needed to publish their book. Shelby understands the potential of partnerships to elevate the influence of small business.In her time outside of her work, Shelby is with her husband Tony, daughter Ava, and son Emmett and close friends either playing outdoors or traveling to visit her immediate family in Montana and Idaho.Discover the possibilities of your genius.To connect visit shelbyjolongcoaching.comShelby Jo Long believes in the power of self. A strong principled belief in your skills, an open mind in search of new perspectives, and a supportive community can help entrepreneurs achieve the vision for their business and their life. A business brand developed around your genius is the path to create fulfilling relationships and lifestyle. Read More Read Less

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I See Your Genius24 % NR
Publisher: Expertise Press
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22 Jun 2022
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I See Your Genius26 % NR
Publisher: Expertise Press
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22 Jun 2022
International Edition
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