Sheila Stafford Rogers

Sheila Stafford RogersSheila Stafford Rogers felt God's pull on her heart when, at a young age, she would escape to the solitude of her family car to read the Bible. Now, she has been a Bible teacher for women and children for thirty years. Her heart to love and encourageothers in the gospel has taken her many places, including Haiti and the Cherokee Nation. She especially enjoys praying with strangers and asking them if they know Jesus personally. Sheila's love of writing has only been surpassed by her love for Jesus, and her life-long dream of writing a simple book pointing people to scripture has, by the grace of God, now become a reality. Sheila was born and raised in Memphis, TN, gladly boasting of her family's country roots. Her husband, daughter, son-in-law, and grandson are her heart's treasures, and she praises God for putting them in her life. Read More Read Less

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