Sheila Quinn Delony

Sheila Quinn DelonySheila Quinn Delony is a teacher, writer, and life coach in Franklin, Tennessee. She has twenty years of experience working with public schools and teacher preparation programs, and earned a Master's degree in Language and Literacy Education and a PhD. in Curriculum and Instruction from Texas Tech University. She has published academic articles in the field of education, as well as short stories relating her grandma's childhood stories. She enjoys gardening, hiking, and reading good books with her husband and two children. As a life coach, Sheila works with ambitious women who possess integrity and good humor. Her clients have a habit of accomplishing the things they set out to do, but they may experience frustration or dissatisfaction because their roles and ambitions overlap in challenging ways. Through the process of coaching, they learn to bring their values and priorities into alignment so that they can experience both freedom and fulfillment in each area of their lives. Sheila's spiritual retreats are designed to explore prayer through creativity and imagination. They draw from both liturgical and extemporaneous traditions and include both communal and individual prayer practices. Participants engage in guided and self-directed journaling and mediation, as well as tactile exploration of prayer through the arts. If you are interested in individual coaching or a group retreat with Sheila, visit for more information or email her at You can also follow her on Instagram @sheilaquinndelony. To sign up for her newsletter and bonus content, including downloads of many of the prayers in this book, visit Read More Read Less

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