Sheila K Alewine

Sheila K AlewineSheila came to Christ at an early age, growing up in a Baptist church in Western North Carolina. She spent a lot of time in and around church with a mom who worked as the church secretary, so marrying a full-time minister came naturally. She met her usband, Todd, while attending Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA; they married in 1985 and have spent their lives serving God together while raising two daughters. As a young mom, Sheila fell in love with Bible study when asked to join a Precept study. Throughout the years of raising their daughters, working full-time and serving in ministry, she has loved studying and teaching in the Word. Now at this time of empty-nest life, she is enjoying the opportunity to try her hand at writing to encourage other believers. Sheila and her husband reside in Hendersonville, NC, where they have established Around The Corner Ministries to equip and encourage followers of Christ to share the gospel where they live, work and play. They love spending time with their daughters, sons-in-law, and grandchildren. Connect with Sheila at her blog https: // Read More Read Less

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