Sharyl G Smith

Sharyl G SmithSHARYL G. SMITH, the library media education specialist for the Utah State Office of Education, has been active in library and information science at building, district, and state levels for over 25 years and has worked in schools at all levels, kindrgarten through graduate education. Special collections of literature for children are of long-standing interest for her, Dr. Smith worked as the assistant to the curator of early children's books at the Pierpont Morgan Library and wrote about European collections while on sabbatical at the International Youth Library in Munich, She served on the AASL National Planning for Special Collections Committee and as a consultant on the book that resulted from the committee's work. She has published articles in Booklist, Phaedrus, and School Library Journal and coauthored a guide to research collections of children's books in the libraries of Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary, New York, New York. Read More Read Less

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Exploring the Mountain States Through Literature59 %
Publisher: Greenwood
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26 Jul 1994
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