Sharon Arsego

Sharon ArsegoSharon Arsego is a lifelong Connecticut resident and the youngest of two girls. Born to a witty and expressive Italian father, and an equally creative, though a bit more reserved, Czechoslovakian mother, Sharon starting writing at a young age. It haslong been her dream to publish her work. Cadence is not only her debut book, but also the first from her private label, Swirl Ink Publications, named as a nod to the style of drawing her mother used to keep her occupied as a child. Sharon's artistic nature and love for reading are the direct influences of her late parents and many artists and writers in her family. She considers herself fortunate for the experiences and mentoring provided to her over the years. Sharon earned her B.A. in English Studies from St. Joseph College in West Hartford, CT, and currently has a career with the City of Bristol, CT where she resides with her beloved feline companion, Big Mitts Mackenzie, aka Mack. There are plans to launch Cadence as an eBook, and within the Swirl Ink Publications portfolio to expand to fiction, coloring books, author's audio readings and merchandise. Cadence is your gateway into the Swirl Ink Orbit! Thank you for taking this first step with me on this journey! Read More Read Less

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