Shannon Shaughnessy Age

Shannon Shaughnessy AgeShannon Shaughnessy Age was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, and now lives in a small town outside of Louisville. She worked professionally as a mammography and radiologic technologist for forty years. She has been a spokesperson and advocatein hunger awareness, clergy sexual abuse, breast cancer awareness and more recently, chairing her church's committee on respecting and aiding those with life issues from conception to natural death. She also enjoys writing retreat plans for topics such as Holy Women of God and Women Recovering from Abuse and Violence. Shannon and her husband, Steve, are both retired. They enjoy outreach work in their parish and community. They love traveling but also love being home working in their yard. They enjoy spending time with family, friends, Phoenix and Lulu their dogs, and Sassy their cat. Learn more about Shannon by visiting Read More Read Less

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