Shannon Joy Mekeel

Shannon Joy MekeelSHANNON JOY MEKEEL is a proud USAF Veteran and in 2023 when this book was written, she was a marketing professional living in Florida who got fed up with inefficient processes, exasperated coworkers, and angry customers while also dealing with her huband's prostate cancer diagnosis and her youngest son's precarious graduation from high school. Shannon is now an organizational leadership thought leader, and the owner of SJM Consulting Services, where she shares her passion with organizations that need a healthy dose of empathy and want to fundamentally improve their culture and bottom line. Learn more at year I wrote and published my memoir entitled You Have Arrived because I simply had to. In my 48th year, what started as a love letter to my sick husband morphed into a modern workplace guide because, frankly, stress, work-life balance, and the ever-growing numbers of young American men being diagnosed with prostate cancer are all related. When I started to research my book's premise, I couldn't believe that no one else was talking about the effects of the treatment of this disease and what it was doing to relationships. Still worse, I couldn't believe that the doctors weren't warning couples that the recommended therapy, known as Androgen Deprivation Therapy, was creating fissures in strong marriages. For some, it was ending in divorce. I could not fathom that over 300,000 men will face the same diagnosis in 2024 being forced to weigh their lives against their future virility. Finally, I could not stand the fact that 35,000 American men die each year from this disease and that no one was talking about changing the screening age from 50 to 40 to prevent their deaths.There was no other way around it. The book had to be written and the things I had been passionate about my entire life needed context. In a twisted strike of irony, I found my context in the shadow of my husband's (ie. Amazing Man's) diagnosis. As Billie Eilish asked in the throngs of the Barbie movie, "What Was I Made For," I responded... and my answer was no less than, "I was made to change the world." I plan on doing that in my trademarked solution, PTOAffirm. The link is here and it's just super cool: https: // Plainly stated, as a USAF Veteran, mom of three boys, a journalist, and a marketing executive I knew that my unique life experiences could bring these concepts and solutions to the masses. Over the past year, my husband and I have boldly stepped onto and continue to ride the roller coaster that is Androgen Deprivation Therapy. I have honored the Small Quiet Voice inside me and written the book. But now I want people to read it, I want the opportunity to speak about it in front of the masses, but I can't do that alone. > Read the book > Discover empathy > Take the challenge > YOU HAVE ARRIVED! Read More Read Less

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