Shan Guisinger

Shan GuisingerShan Guisinger is an eating disorders therapist and researcher. Shan trained as an evolutionary biologist before getting a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in clinical psychology and doing postdoctoral work at the Yale University's Eting Disorders Clinic. In her research and practice, she seeks to understand how biological, psychological, and social factors interact to create or ameliorate emotional and eating problems. She has written about how chaos theory can help us understand the spontaneous patterning of evolution and our emotional and cognitive lives. Shan has authored theoretical articles on the interplay of individuality and interpersonal relatedness for The American Psychologist and on the evolutionary sense of anorexia nervosa for Psychological Review. She is coeditor and author of a recent book on some applications of chaos theory to psychology from Oxford University Press. Read More Read Less

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Evolutionary Approach to Understanding and Treating Anorexia Nervosa and Other Eating Problems18 % NR
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Chaos and Nonlinear Psychology6 % NR
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03 Feb 2022
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