Shamsul Rahman Mohamed Kutty

Shamsul Rahman Mohamed KuttyProf. Shamsul Rahman Mohamed Kutty is presently a lecturer in Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Memphis, TN, USA. He has worked with UTP for more than 20 years. Throughout the yeas, he has been involved in research and consultancies related to environmental management systems, water quality, wastewater treatment, biological as well as physico-chemical.Over the years, he has also been invited to give talks locally and overseas on wastewater treatment. He has obtained several local and international research grants. Read More Read Less

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Engineered Biocomposites for Dye Adsorption14 % NR
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Biorefinery of Industrial Effluents for a Sustainable Circular Economy15 % NR
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