Shafiqa AhmadiShafiqaAhmadi, JD, is an Associate Professor ofClinical Education at the Rossier School of Education (Rossier) and theCo-Director for the Center for Education, Identity and Social Justice. She isan expert on diversity and legal protection of underrepesented students, including Muslims, bias and hate crimes, and sexual assault survivors. Prior tojoining the Rossier faculty, she taught at the Gould School of Law and was aVisiting Researcher at the Center for Urban Education, at Rossier. She has alsoserved as a Research Associate at the Research Institute at Rossier where sheworked on a grant awarded by the Department of Education (DOE) designed toprevent and reduce on-campus sexual assault. Prior to joining USC, she workedfor the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission, where she investigated allegedviolations of civil rights and discrimination in areas such as employment, housing, and access to state and state funded services. Ahmadi received her Doctor ofJurisprudence from Indiana University Maurer School of Law, at Bloomington, Indiana. While in law school and graduate school she focused on Employment DiscriminationLaw, Corporate International Law, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, andIslamic law (Shari 'a). Read More Read Less
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