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Selena Alvarado Et Al

Selena Alvarado Et AlBecause UTRGV is mostly a commuter school where the student body are employed, the students in our Discovering the Rio Grande Valley course were tasked with using their place of employment as the setting for observing the effects of the pandemic in ral-time. They interviewed supervisors and other employees, photographed new configurations of places of business and prepared their reports. From fast food restaurants to Roman Catholic churches, to funerals and high school sporting events, they captured from the perspective of college-aged students the very changed world of the RGV during the pandemic. An important aspect of this report is that each student also provided a brief biography telling future readers who they were in 2020 and how the pandemic changed their lives. Some noted that family members were sickened, and some died. In a small way this memorializes those who suffered and perished and perhaps will provide some degree of succor to those students for their loss. Read More Read Less

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Rio Grande Valley in the Time of a PandemicNR
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14 Nov 2021
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