Sebastián Marincolo

Sebastián MarincoloSebastián Marincolo aka Dr. Sebastian Schulz studied Philosophy and Linguistics of German at the University of Tübingen, Germany, and at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. He was a student of William Lycan, Simon Blackburn, Gianfraco Soldati, and Manfred Frank, some of the most influential philosophers of consciousness today, and received his magna cum laude Ph.D. with a thesis about a critical analysis of neurophilosophical theories of consciousness. After more than 20 years of research on the subject, Marincolo has already published four books on the cannabis high. His expert blog with essays on the cannabis high appeared online in five languages for Sensi Seeds Amsterdam, the largest cannabis seed bank in the world. As a photographer, he produced the limited-edition macro photo art series The Art of Cannabis, featured in his second book, and he worked on a photo campaign for Sensi Seeds, among other projects. His work has received positive reviews and attention worldwide. Marincolo has been featured as a guest on various radio shows and podcasts, including Aidan McCullen's podcast The Innovation Show, Joe Dolce's Brave New Weed podcast, and the magazine THE BLUNTNESS with Gregory Frye. He worked as a freelance photographer, author, creative director, and as communications consultant, primarily for foundations. In 2017, he took on the position of Director of Communications and Marketing Germany for one of the largest cannabis producers in the world for three years. During this time, he helped educate both health professionals as well as the wider public about medical cannabis. Marincolo currently works as an author and consultant and lives with his family in Eschborn near Frankfurt am Main. Read More Read Less

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