Seamus MullarkeyMy name is Séamus Mullarkey and over the past two years I've been collecting fun facts and tantalizing tidbits all about The Cats of Ireland-now available in a fun collection-that's even tastier than a bowl full of cream!--Originally from Ireland, I' a writer, editor and researcher based in New York. I'm always on the lookout for a special Irish gift whether for Christmas, birthdays, or just to say Thanks.A while back I happened to notice that as well as being fans of the Emerald Isle the majority of my friends are cat lovers. And, just about everyone I know is a devoted book enthusiast. Bearing all this in mind, off I set in search of an Irish-themed book on cats- as a gift for my friends who happen to be fond of felines. To my great surprise, I couldn't find anything that fit the bill. There were a couple of fun knick knacks, but not much in the way of the written word.If my shamrock-loving, cat-hugging friends were to get the gift they deserved, there was no choice but to set about writing a book especially for them. It couldn't be that hard... I reckoned, it should be relatively easy to research. Well, it took far longer than I expected. There was a snippet about an Irish cat in an old newspaper, a random mention of a notable feline in a folktale. Gradually, I pieced together what I hope is an entertaining collection that should tell you all you'd like to know about The Cats of Ireland. Read More Read Less
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