Seamus M McGovern

Seamus M McGovernSeamus McGovern Ph.D., is an Electronics Engineerat the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center.He concurrently holds a commission in the U.S. NavyReserve as an Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer, aswell as a part-time industrial engineeing facultyappointment at Northeastern University. A peerreviewer for six scientific journals, Dr. McGovern'sacademic efforts have been recognized with the awardof four competitive fellowships, 11 merit-based scholarships, election to three scholastic honor societies, and a national best dissertation prize.Surendra M. Gupta, Ph.D., is a Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and the director of the Laboratory for Responsible Manufacturing, NortheasternUniversity. He has authored or coauthoredwell over 400 technical papers published in books, journals and international conference proceedings.Dr. Gupta has taught over 100 courses in such areas asoperations research, inventory theory, queuing theory, engineering economy, supply chain management, andproduction planning and control. Among the manyrecognitions received, he is the recipient of the Outstanding Research Award and the Outstanding IndustrialEngineering Professor Award (in recognition ofteaching excellence) from Northeastern University aswell as a national Outstanding Doctoral DissertationAdvisor Award. Read More Read Less

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