Scott J Callan

Scott J CallanDr. Scott J. Callan is professor of economics at Bentley University. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Texas A & M University. Prior to joining the Bentley faculty in 1987, Professor Callan was a member of the business faculty at Clarkson Uiversity in Potsdam, New York. His teaching areas of interest focus on quantitative methods and applied microeconomic topics, such as environmental economics, managerial economics, and sports economics. He has taught courses in environmental economics and the economics of natural resources at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition to this textbook, Dr. Callan has authored numerous applied microeconomic articles for economic journals including the SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, REVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS, and JOURNAL OF SPORTS ECONOMICS. His environmental economics research investigates the demand and supply characteristics associated with the market for municipal solid waste (MSW). He also examines demand-side topics including the impact of pay-as-you-throw programs on waste generation, disposal, and recycling activities. His study of supply-side issues has focused on the extent of economies of scale and scope in the provision of MSW services. His research findings have appeared in LAND ECONOMICS and ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS as well as other academic journals. Recent research efforts have explored the many facets of corporate social performance and its affect on firm behavior. In addition to his many publications, Dr. Callan has reviewed scholarly articles for a wide variety of academic publications as well as research grant proposals for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Read More Read Less

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Environmental Economics and ManagementNR
Publisher: Cengage Learning
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26 Sep 2012
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Resources and Learning Tools in Environmental Economics5 % NR
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