Scott D Woodward

Scott D WoodwardThe author was born in the Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego, California. He spent many of his formative years living in Japan where he embraced a fascination with Asian culture, art, history and religion. Scott has been an active "scouter" most of is adult life, earning his Eagle Scout Award and membership into the Order of the Arrow. He has served in various capacities in scouting as a Camp Director, Explorer Advisor, Sea Scout Skipper and District Commissioner. He is an avid outdoorsman and athlete, having won the Penthalon at the Explorer Olympics in Southern California. Scott has competed in surfing, cycling, karate, track and field and archery events. Scott is a voracious reader and has written on a professional basis many technical operations, motivational and sales manuals. He has won several poetry awards, including the Editor's Choice Award on five occasions. Scott holds degrees in British and American Literature, Comparative Religion and Business Finance, graduating Magna Cum Laude. Scott was the Senior Vice President of a commodities brokerage firm and Director of a major international, intermodal freight forwarding company. Scott would love to hear from you regarding his poetry, and yours. You may contact him at Read More Read Less

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on living, loving and other sorrowsNR
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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23 Aug 2023
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