Sarah L ThomsonSarah L. Thomson has published more than twenty-five books for young readers. She has created fiction and nonfiction, poetry and prose, fantasy and realism for age levels from kindergarten through high school. Her books include an adventure about twofriends who rescue a dragon's egg; a picture-book biography of Abraham Lincoln; and a young readers' version of the bestselling title Three Cups of Tea; along with poetry for picture-book readers and nonfiction I Can Read! titles about tigers, whales, sharks, gorillas, and snakes. She is the author of Pirates, Ho!, illustrated by Stephen Gilpin; Around the Neighborhood, illustrated by Jana Christy; and Cinderella, illustrated by Nicoletta Ceccoli. Sarah lives in Portland, Maine, with her daughter, who helps with inspiration, and her two cats, who help by lying on the piece of paper that she needs most. Visit her online at Read More Read Less
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