Sara Halevi

Sara HaleviSara Halevi, MA is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist specializing in the treatment of Fibromyalgia and other chronic and invisible illnesses. Born and raised in Northampton, MA., she received her BA cum laude from Brandeis University in 1985 and her M in clinical psychology from John F. Kennedy University in 1989. Ms. Halevi began her study of chronic illness as an intern at the Center for Attitudinal Healing in Tiberon, CA. While pursuing a private practice as an adolescent therapist, Ms. Halevi found herself treating a teenagers with Fibromyalgia. A sufferer herself, Halevi has embarked on a mission to find clinical solutions to this illness, largely dismissed by the medical field, even as numbers have skyrocketed worldwide. She is the founder of FibroConsulting, a training institute for medical and mental health professionals devoted to the advancement of the treatment of Fibromyalgia. She is the mother of four grown children and lives in Jerusalem. Read More Read Less

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