Santiago Madrigal Terrazas

Santiago Madrigal TerrazasSantiago Madrigal Terrazas [...] studied at the Pontifical University Comillas where he obtained the license in Philosophy and the baccalaureate in Theology. He earned a Iicense in Theology from the Philosophisch-Theologische Hichschule Sankt Georgenin Frankfurt, Germany. He then received the Doctorate in Theology from the Pontifical. University Comillas, where he has held courses of Ecclesiology and Ecumenical Theology since 1995. Read More Read Less

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La sinodalidad en la vida y en la mision de la Iglesia: Texto y comentario del documento de la Comision Teologica InternacionalNR
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Protagonistas del Vaticano II: Galeria de retratos y episodios conciliares (ESTUDIOS Y ENSAYOS) (Spanish Edition)
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