Sanjay P Govindwar

Sanjay P GovindwarProfessor Govindwar FISBT, FMASc, FBRS has done internationally acclaimed research in bioremediation and phytoremediation of textile effluent. Currently, he is the top-ranked in Scopus among all the global scientists working in the area of "decoloriztion". His remarkable research mainly pertains to the elucidation of enzymatic pathways for the degradation of toxic textile dyes to nontoxic metabolites using microbes, fungi, plants, and their interactions. He has demonstrated the involvement of oxidoreductase enzymes in the biotransformation of textile dyes using purified lignin peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, and laccase enzymes from bacteria, fungi, and plants, and elucidated pathways and mechanism of textile dye degradation. He has developed laboratory scale phytoreactors, a wetland, and phyto-bed technology for efficient bioremediation of textile industry effluent and textile dye contaminated sites. He extended his research with phytoremediation of pharmaceutical contaminants from sewage wastewater.

He has published 250+ research papers in refereed journals (Citations: 12366, h-index: 58 (Google Scholar) having average impact factor around 3.5) and book chapters. He was Joint Secretary, Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, Kolhapur Chapter, India. He is recognized as an Expertscape World Expert (top 0.1% of scholars) in Conservation of Natural Resources, Textiles, and Environmental Biodegradation over the past 10 years (2009-2019), Brain Pool Visiting Scientist from National Research Foundation, South Korea, and African Centre of Excellence in Water (ACE WATER), Nigeria (2019-2024) as a Member of International Scientific Advisory Board. His research work where he developed phytoreactors and extended his research from the laboratory to land has been appreciated by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India, and it was published by the Government of India in the "Bulletin of success stories" achievements during 2014-2018. Read More Read Less

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Phytoremediation Technologies for the Removal of Textile Dyes48 % NR
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