Sandy McKeown

Sandy McKeownSandy Mckeown

I was at a conference when I discovered I was the only mom in a breakout small group. After the professionals introduced themselves, their titles and initials noted, I introduced myself as "Sandy McKeown, M.O.M." The group aplauded and I became the instant expert. I continue to use this acronym to communicate my mentoring status (Mentor of Many) as well as to let others know I am a mom other moms and the experts turn to.

I have been published in Spirit of the Plains Magazine and am a contributing author to Laundry Tales to Lighten Your Load (August 2007), One Year Life Verse Devotional (September 2007) and Chicken Soup for the Chocolate Lover's Soul (November 2007). My husband of three decades and I are the proud parents of five children, three with learning challenges: one child with Autism; one with Attention Deficit Disorder and a Mood Disorder; and one with a Reading Disability, Epilepsy and Depression. By the grace of God, and despite the challenges the children have brought, our marriage has survived.

Our determination to rely on God has brought us through many difficult trials, ultimately preparing us to impact the lives of many parents who not only struggle with children who have learning disabilities, but also with those who struggle with the myriad of other challenges facing families today, including keeping marriages strong. I use life experience combined with powerful insight and creative humor to convey true hope to any audience Read More Read Less

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Some Miracles Need a Mom34 % NR
Publisher: Leaders Press
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14 Dec 2021
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