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Sandra Dubs

Sandra DubsSandra Dubs is a Wholefood Nutritionist, Natural Food Educator and Marketing Consultant, Healthy Food Coach and Cooking Teacher. For over 35 years Sandra has been involved in importing, wholesaling and retailing natural foods and is especially dedicaed to educating people in wholefood cooking and nutrition.In 1986 Sandra established the original Melbourne Traditional Japanese as well as plant based, Vegan Wholefood Cooking School with Spiral Foods and ran a well-known health food store and cafe. in 1999 (pre-YouTube days) she produced Australia's leading nutritional vegetarian cooking video "Sandra's Whole Cuisine" so that all those who could not attend her classes could still gain visual knowledge of how to prepare health supportive meals.In 2000 Sandra created a "Food As Medicine" course to teach at Monash University Medical School and in recent years created wholefood nutrition and cooking courses in Melbourne for Centre For Adult Education, Box Hill Institute and Holmesglen Institute.Being involved in the Wellness movement Sandra travels extensively to study and experience with many masters of the health food movement. This is her way to keep up with all the latest developments in health, food as medicine, macrobiotics and natural food cookery. Sandra is a well-known organiser as well as presenter at Integrative Medical conferences, Natural Therapy Trade Expos and Professional Wellness seminars in Australia and overseas. Sandra continues her journey with health supportive organic wholefoods by running cooking classes, presenting workshops and seminars on food as medicine and nutrition for wellbeing, as well as consulting and creating health supportive wellbeing programs for corporate and private clients. With so much experience, in 2018 Sandra self-published, with the support of crowdfunding, her passion project, "My Wholefood Community Cook Book" reflecting the best plant-based recipes and nutritional information from all classes over the past 30 years. Find out more at Read More Read Less

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16 Dec 2022
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