Samuel Casey Carter

Samuel Casey CarterSamuel Casey Carter wrote On Purpose as senior fellow at The Center for Education Reform. Today, he is Senior Vice President for Global Corporate Social Responsibility for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, a leading global education company comitted to addressing education′s dynamic challenges through individualized content, innovative technology and a holistic approach that inspires achievement and a lifelong love of learning. He is also Executive Director of the HMH Foundation.

Previously, Carter was president of CfBT USA, the United States charity affiliated with CfBT Education Trust headquartered in the United Kingdom, and president of National Heritage Academies, a charter school management company that operates more than sixty public charter schools in eight states, where he oversaw corporate strategy and the implementation of the company's educational operations.

Carter is also the author of No Excuses: Lessons From 21 High-Performing, High-Poverty Schools, a book on the effective practices of high-performing schools that refuse to make poverty an excuse for academic failure. In addition to No Excuses, Carter has edited three other books including Mary Beth Klee's Core Virtues, a literature-based character education program for parents and teachers of elementary school students. His articles, essays, and columns have appeared in more than 180 newspapers and magazines, including, The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, New York Times, New York Post, Washington Times, Los Angeles Times, Investor′s Business Daily, and Detroit News.

After receiving a bachelor degree from St. John's College in Annapolis in philosophy and mathematics, Carter studied theology at Oxford University and philosophy at The Catholic University of America. He lives in Washington, D. C.

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