Samson Floyd

Samson FloydSamson Floyd is a 32-year-old entrepreneur and writer, passionate about money management, business, leadership, and self-improvement. But hasn't always been like that. At the age of 26, Floyd and his wife had their first baby, and from the time his seet pea arrived on this earth, life had just been a roller coaster ride. In order to make things work, Floyd and his wife agreed that she should stay at home. This automatically meant their monthly income practically halved, whilst their expenses went up exponentially. At this time Floyd knew he and his family were up for trouble, but he was going to do everything to get his family out of it. He started to discover financial literacy and money management, this way he was able to save up and invest the money into a side hustle. From there on life took a massive shift again: He started saving more money while also making more money, then reinvesting it in his side hustle, which was steadily growing into a real business. After a year he quit his job to work full time on the business. Within 3 years, everything had changed - again, but know for the better Ever since then Floyd knew he had to spread his message through books so that his readers could do the same. Floyd now writes books about everything that changed his life for the better, so you can too. Read More Read Less

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