Samiri Hernández Hiraldo

Samiri Hernández HiraldoSamiri Hernández Hiraldo was born and raised in Puerto Rico. She earned a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Michigan and has taught Anthropology, Religion, Women Studies, and Latino/Afro-Latino Studies. She currently teaches these and othe subjects at Florida A&M University and conducts research on re-africanization in Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rican diaspora. Hernández Hiraldo has written articles, chapters, and book reviews on the above topics. In 2006 she published her book, Black Puerto Rican Identity and Religious Experience (University Press of Florida 2006; 2014). In 2012 Hernández Hiraldo was awarded as a finalist on the shortlist of the National Poetry Series' Paz Prize for Poetry competition (in honor of Octavio Paz) for her poetry collection, "Entre borrosas guardarrayas" (Between Blurry Boundaries). Her poems have appeared in PALARA (Publication of the Afro-Latin/American Research Association), Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social, The Griot: The Journal of African American Studies, The Acentos Review, Azahares, Latin American Literary Review, Latino Book Review, Letralia, and The Journal of Latina Critical Feminism. Her collection of poetry, Al Vapor (Steamed) was published in August of 2020 by Editorial Calíope in Madrid, Spain, and Cuando el líquido es sólido (When the Liquid Is Solid) in January of 2021 by Publicaciones Entre Líneas in Florida, United States. Hernández Hiraldo also coordinates poetry events as a board member of Palaver Tree Theater, a non-profit community organization serving the Big Bend Area. She shares her poetry with many different audiences, including young students. She is a proud participant in the 100 Thousand Poets for Change and Poetas Sin Fronteras (Poets Without Borders). Read More Read Less

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