Samantha Derere

Samantha Derereorn in the United States, Samantha Deere lived in the state of California, New York, and Vermont. In the States, she ran her herbal practice for several years, alongside being a yoga teacher. At this time, she developed her forager skills and learneda lot about natural traditional medicine from a Shaman friend. Later, following her interest in yoga practices, she lived in India for several years. This is the place where she explored local healing traditions and practices first-hand and learned from Ayurveda healers. This nurtured her interest in herbalism and cultural approaches to health and well-being even more. Today, Samantha is now working as an Herbalist practitioner, educator, and writer for a medical journal and online publishers. She specialized in healing herbs and spices, their history, and their various use in cultures worldwide. She thinks about living again partially in India. Read More Read Less

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Stress Resilience Workbook with Seasonal Herbal Healing Infusions21 % NR
Publisher: Sustainprofits LLC
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01 Feb 2023
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