Salvatore Iannace

Salvatore IannaceSalvatore Iannace is a senior scientist of the National Research Council of Italy. He is currently the Director of the Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche "Giulio Natta" (SCITEC-CNR). His principal research interests lie in the fields of sustaiable multicomponent and multi-scale foams. The main focus of the scientific activity is on the development of novel biobased materials used for thermoplastic and thermosetting composites and foams as well as on their manufacturing technologies. He chaired the international conferences on Biofoams in Italy since the first edition in 2007 and co-chaired the other editions in Canada and China. He has published ca. 150 papers in international refereed journals,1 book, 21 book chapters, 5 patents and delivered ca. 190 conference papers. Read More Read Less

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