Sally Fetouh

Sally FetouhWriting is very much a part of who author Sally Fetouh is as a human being. As a child, writing was a way for her to express herself and all of the stories and ideas she had in her head. Now, as an adult, she has been inspired to write a beautiful stry of kindness and friendship, Jana's Brightly Coloured Socks, a heartwarming picture book loosely based on her daughter who has Down syndrome. It was important to Sally that her daughter and other children like her were able to see themselves represented in literature. The idea came to Sally when she visited her daughter's preschool to read a story about a girl with Down syndrome. The loving, accepting, and inquisitive responses from her daughter's classmates inspired her to write a story reflecting these caring friendships. Sally believes a great book is one that has impactful characters and a story that provides a new experience or perspective to the reader that stays with them long after the book is closed. She hopes that her young readers with disabilities or those who are different in some way will be able to relate to the main character and see a little bit of themselves, while also aiming for other readers to gain insight into the world of Down syndrome and the importance and impact of kindness and friendship. When she isn't writing thought-provoking children's books, Sally works as a lawyer and a photographer. She enjoys being in nature, hiking, and horse riding. She lives with her family in Sydney, Australia. Jana's Brightly Coloured Socks is her debut picture book. Read More Read Less

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