Sakineh Asadzadeh

Sakineh AsadzadehSakineh Asadzadeh was born in Iran, and did PhD in Private Law. She is working in Ministry of Justice as a law employer (also is the law member in specialized commission of legal counsel about the trade affaires in this institution). Sakineh was the olitical assistant in ministry of foreign, research assistant and translator in International Association of University Muslim Professors. She is also teaching law courses in the university. Her awards include The First International Scientific, Literature and Arts Festival of Saadi/2020, Second National Festival of Superior Writes of Human Sciences (Allameh Jafari/2020), The 4th Festival of the Best Dissertations of Iran (Special Award of Professor Hesabi/2020), (Superior Researcher/2018), (Best Law Employers/2017). Also the poems Hayat Gölgesı, Zaman Çekırdekcesı ( Şıırden Dergısı, 69 sayisi, Turkey). The poem Regret for the soil (Grihaswamini, international e-magazine, India). The poems Distillate of Bittern and Solar of Buttercups (Atunis Galaxy Poetry, Netherland). The poem Göklerın Yüzü (Şıırden Dergısı, 60 sayisi, Turkey). The poem Benim Ağır Kederım (Şıırden Dergısı, 59 sayisi, Turkey). The poem Hayalin Dansi and Aşkın Tekbırı (Şıırden Dergısı, 58 sayisi, Turkey). The poem Disheveled Mini-Crow (Sayeh Newspaper, 2257 no, Iran). The poem Pathetic Propositions (Weekly Information Magazine, 3962 no, Iran). The poem Agate Earing (Iranian Peace Studies Scientific Association, Notes of Peace, 2022, Iran) have been published. Until she wrote eight articles about the contracts and comparative study of agreements. Now I am writing two law books. Asadzadeh's favorites are playing the piano, music, exercise, reading the law, literature and culture books. Read More Read Less

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