Saeko Ogi

Saeko OgiSaeko Ogi is a tanka poet and tanka translator. Born in Tokyo, has lived in Canberra since 1972.She contributes tanka both written in Japanese and English to tanka periodicals and to anthologies in Japan, Australia and USA, actively involved in tankaactivities; translating, presenting talks in symposiums and facilitating a tanka group in Canberra CJC (Canberra Japan Club) Bluebells Tanka Group, she initiated.In 1998 her friendship with Amelia Fielden started through translating poetry; she translated her two poetry and tanka collections, 'Eucalypts and Iris Streams'; and 'Fountains Play, ' into Japanese. That was the first translating work published and since then the both has kept working on bilingual poetic collaboration.Thus, in association with Amelia Fielden, she has translated three tanka collections by Kawano Yūko; 'Time Passes, ' 'The Maternal Line' and 'The Time of This World - 100 Tanka from 13 collections written by Kawano Yūko'; also, three tanka collections by Tanaka Noriko;Doorway to the Sky, ' 'Breast Clouds' and 'From the Middle Country.' Other translation works with Amelia Fielden are 'Tanka To Eat, ' and 'Poems to Wear - from Japan and Australia.'In 2020, she published her own tanka collection, 'Michibata no Ishi' and its English translation by Amelia Fielden, 'Rock at the Roadside, ' was also published.The three poets, Amelia Fielden, Tanaka Noriko and Saeko Ogi published, two Canberra Nara Sister City commemorative anthologies by Australian and Japanese tanka poets, 'Music of the Heart' in 2014 and 'Poetry Bridges' in 2018.Her tanka, translated from Japanese into English, by Amelia Fielden appeared in 'Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka', Volumes 3 and 4.She loves watercolour painting, as well as knitting, playing the piano, Mahjong both in Australian and Japanese rules and Sūdoku. Read More Read Less

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