Sabita Saldanha

Sabita SaldanhaDr. Saldanha is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Alabama State University. Her current research project includes the therapeutic role of histone deacetylase inhibitors in colon and prostate cancers, and her areas of pigenetic interest include epigenetic markers as effective tools in cancer diagnosis. She has more than fifteen years of research experience in cancer epigenetics, protein biochemistry, molecular biology and cloning. She has twelve years of teaching experience and has been a STEM faculty mentor, MARC mentor, and Honor's program project director at ASU. Recently, Dr. Saldanha was named the 2015 National Academies Education Fellow in Life Sciences. She is also currently a Health Disparities Research and Training Program Scholar at UAB and a member of the Cancer Biology Research and Training program at ASU, which was established in 2015. She serves as senior personnel for the ASU-UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center partnership and has been instrumental in developing a cancer biology course at ASU. Read More Read Less

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