S. S. Van Dine"The Benson Murder Case" is a classic detective novel written by S. S. Van Dine. The story revolves around the murder of wealthy businessman Ebenezer Benson, who is found dead in his New York City mansion. The case quickly becomes a high-profile invetigation, with the city's top detectives and the media all trying to solve the crime. The book follows the investigation led by detective Philo Vance, a wealthy and sophisticated amateur sleuth who uses his knowledge of psychology and criminology to solve the case. Along the way, Vance encounters a wide range of suspects, including Benson's family members, business associates, and even his mistress. As Vance pieces together the clues and interrogates the suspects, the reader is taken on a thrilling journey of mystery and suspense. The novel is expertly crafted, with intricate plot twists and turns that keep readers guessing until the very end. Read More Read Less
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